Mario’s Story
Mario Fachini is the Founder and CEO of Mario Fachini Consulting and is a sought after motivational speaker, author, and marketing trainer. He helps to educate other marketers through coaching & training on how to start up successful marketing companies of their own and attract clients, by using systems and leverage.
He is the Founder and CEO of Freedom Platform Wordpress Website Builder – The World’s #1 System to build great looking WordPress websites in under 4 minutes, Automatically ! – If you have ever built a website or hired someone to do it for you, than you are well aware of how smooth the process doesn’t go most the time, The solves this.
Mario Fachini was born in Detroit, Michigan and grew up in Harrison Township Michigan with his loving mother and father on the lake enjoying memories and abundance of smiles, laughter, and family time much of which was through the quality time he was blessed to invest time into early on.